It was a few years ago that I had stumbled upon a National Theatre production in around 2020, by accident or luck, and I was immediately delighted. First of all, because I saw, not the head of a monster, but the Louisiana Double boys, Zsolt Pintér and Ádám Apáti, with whom I had become friends a long time ago through BuSho concerts. In addition, we had just finished a tour in China, which was cancelled due to an epidemic, and we made an excellent concert film with the Rackajam, but this is just a side note. On the other hand, I was happy, and I expressed it, because I was very proud of the authors for touching the eternal story in the 21st century and doing it with complete confidence and to a very high standard. Then the years went by and, as this production is less often performed in the summer, perhaps for understandable reasons, I was always on the lookout for what was next, where the next big thing would be. Then I kept watching until life gave me a task. We became the video crew for the Bethlehem Story, starting at the Ádvent in Óbuda, then in Bakonybél and most recently at the Kiscsőszi Kultúrpajta. And this year we did a double episode, because we made a short makingof again and the whole performance will be available soon. Again, with some minor changes, but fortunately the team is back together again, and those who come are always happy to attend, because it's a special little Christmas party for them too. These are the stories of the short films by the musicians interviewed. Mika Heinczinger once again brought his usual outstanding performance as Herod with a burst of energy, and even in the Bakonybél venue he commented as the ‘donkey’: "I really like the donkey, it must be uplifting to carry all the weight on your back, we could carry him every day, if you think about it, there would certainly not be such a noise disturbance!" Mihály Orosz and Eszter Balogh's composition has delighted many people over the years and will continue to do so for a very long time, one more reason why we love to wait for Christmas at the end of each year and listen to these wonderful songs again throughout Advent. Available to traditional music listeners on CD, but also available to the children of the modern age on Spotify instantly in your pocket on your mobile. And just like the title said, if you're reading this, it has ARRIVED to you!