With the project "Finding humanity" we would like to point out the problems of today's society described through the aspect of human rights, which is why the project is designed to be brought as close as possible to most wide public. Through the project we want to film four documentaries that will be suitable for screening on TV, film festivals, published on the youtube channel and spread through social networks. They can also be used as teaching material in the case of formal and non-formal education. Both in our country (Slovenia) as well as in the other participating countries (Croatia, Hungary, Germany) of our project, we have seen an increase in hate speech, discrimination, intolerance and even hatred of so-called "different" people which can be defined as the radicalization of young people. The fact that the radicalization of young people is on the increase, which is also recognized by the European Union Summit is worrying for us young people and to eliminate these problems as European citizens we want to contribute through active citizenship with the realization of the project »Finding Humanity«
Finding humanity documentary is film about humanity and human rights made during Finding humanity project funded by Erasmus+ program. It is a co-production film made by Mladinski center Trbovlje (Slovenia), Gombolyag Foundation (Hungary), Hrvatski filmki savez (Croatia) and Jugendkulturarbeit (Germany).