

In our next Erasmus+ Programme we applied for a 1 week Youth exchange in Gombolyag in July 2025, in the topic: Creativity, arts and culture, with film – photo – painting – music – gastro actions in daily changes. During the project we are working with young people in international teams: 1 group leader–youth worker and 5 young people between 16-25 years old are in each groups with 4 partners, all together 20 participants and 4 group leaders. Our goal is to strengthen intercultural understanding, dialogue, and active participation among young people, developing proactivity. Transnational exchange, broadening young people's horizons, strengthening their creative... tovább


It was a few years ago that I had stumbled upon a National Theatre production in around 2020, by accident or luck, and I was immediately delighted. First of all, because I saw, not the head of a monster, but the Louisiana Double boys, Zsolt Pintér and Ádám Apáti, with whom I had become friends a long time ago through BuSho concerts. In addition, we had just finished a tour in China, which was cancelled due to an epidemic, and we made an excellent concert film with the Rackajam, but this is just a side note. On the other... tovább


Gombolyag Foundation, the organiser of the BuSho International Short Film Festival, invites young filmmakers to a week-long filmmaking camp during the first week of August 2023. The Youth Loop project is based on the development of resilience, which is "the ability to cope with surprises, changes and unexpected obstacles." (   While making fiction short films, we want to show young people, who often struggle with themselves, that video art and the creative process can be a tool for developing and achieving a positive self-image. The methodology developed during the project will help young people to develop the ability to react spontaneously to unexpected situations,... tovább


BUGOJNO WORKSHOP After the preparation in January below, it suddenly became March, and we set off with our young, but enthusiastic team to do our best internationally and gain film and photography experience. On the Skopje tour 2 years ago, we already experienced that the direct flights from Budapest to the Western Balkans ceased, this time we also arrived to Sarajevo with a transfer from Vienna. The director of the youth center was already waiting for us and after winding our way through the mountains, we arrived to the city of Bugojno, in the heart of Bosnia. In every direction you can reach in 2 hours from here every destination: Sarajevo,... tovább


We regularly report about Lake Szelidi, which is a stone's throw away from Gombolyag (it doesn't matter who the thrower is), most recently in connection with the August running race, in which we became hosts ourselves, but a few years ago we have made a short pocket camera music video as well. Now, however, we were pleased to read about the extension of the EU-funded cycle path around the lake by 1.1 km. This section is connected to the 3.5 km long existing cycle path connecting Dunapataj with Lake Szelidi, which was also renovated as part of the project.
The new section connects to... tovább


With the project "Finding humanity" we would like to point out the problems of today's society described through the aspect of human rights, which is why the project is designed to be brought as close as possible to most wide public. Through the project we want to film four documentaries that will be suitable for screening on TV, film festivals, published on the youtube channel and spread through social networks. They can also be used as teaching material in the case of formal and non-formal education. Both in our country (Slovenia) as well as in the other participating countries (Croatia, Hungary, Germany) of our project, we have seen an increase in hate speech, discrimination,... tovább


Following the Duna Mozaik tour in 2011 we started work with MCT (Mladinski Center Trbovlje) youth centre. Since then we took part in 3 International Programmes of theirs in the tiny Slovenian mining town by the river Sava. After the projects Blind Diary and Under the Moon this time we presented with an old yet new Hungarian team on the workshop called What Would The World Be Like? in the thematic of discrimination. Nearby the hosting and Hungarian team youngsters also from Croatia and Germany had one week to transform their idea into a presentable film. “It was a pleasure being here, I got exactly I expected from this workshop, to get an taste of live shooting. It was well presented how... tovább

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